Tuesday, December 17, 2013

A song & a prayer


Now that I got that out of the way, a post on Christmas. I wanted to share a Christmas Carol today and I couldn't pick one... then I got it. 

"Away in a Manger"
Away in a manger, no crib for a bed,
The little Lord Jesus laid down His sweet head.
The stars in the sky looked down where He lay,
The little Lord Jesus, asleep on the hay.

The cattle are lowing, the Baby awakes,
But little Lord Jesus, no crying He makes;
I love Thee, Lord Jesus, look down from the sky
And stay by my cradle till morning is nigh.

Be near me, Lord Jesus, I ask Thee to stay
Close by me forever, and love me, I pray;
Bless all the dear children in Thy tender care,
And fit us for Heaven to live with Thee there.

It tells the Christmas story so simply, a child can understand. But it also has meaning for us older ones too, the children in heart! ;)

The third verse, especially the last line, contains a simple, yet wonderful prayer! Something we should ask on a daily basis: "Fit us for heaven, to live with Thee there."

I'm not going to talk about it because it is self-explanatory, but maybe in your own heart, ask that of the Lord today. Jesus, fit me for heaven so that I can live with You there!

Last days of November...

I wanted to finish up Thanksgiving before posting a Christmas post. It has been crazy here, and every time I went to blog, something else came up! Grrrr…. Anyway, I’ll post the last three days of November, and have a Christmas post up later on today.

Day 28- I am thankful for… family. I have mentioned specific members of my family, but I wanted to say how thankful I am for extended family: grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc. I grew up with two of my cousins especially (we were tight, let me tell you!), and it’s still wonderful when I get to see them! Family isn’t just those that you’re related to by blood… It’s those you accept into your heart as family.

Day 29- I am thankful for… snow! I loooooooooove snow! I’m not fond of driving in it, but I will. Winter is without a doubt, my FAVOURITE season of the year. Fall is an extremely close second, but I love the smell of the air right before a snow storm, drinking hot cocoa after a snowball fight, smelling bread & cookies baking in the oven, watching the cardinal & juncos play in the falling snow, etc. It’s quiet, peaceful, relaxing, and calm. Who doesn’t love snow?!

Day 30- I am thankful for… the Christmas Season! It’s here! It’s finally here!  Music, lights, parties, presents, decorations, snow, long lines at stores, crazy traffic, but it’s still here!!! I love this time of year, and most people hate it. I understand that most people hate it for personal reasons, but I love it because of personal reasons. It’s the time that we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ! If you haven’t read much of my blog, this is something you need to know: I am a Christian, simple as that. (Please don’t let this hinder you from reading my blog! Contact me if you have a question, and I’ll be happy to pray for you and help if I can!) The real reason behind CHRISTmas, is… well, Christ! Focus this season on the birth of Christ and what it means to you! Share it in the comments below? I’d love to hear how His coming has affected your life!

Okay, a Christmas post is next! 

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Days 22-27! Happy Thanksgiving!

Days 22-27 of the November Thankfulness Challenge.  Tomorrow will be a special Thanksgiving post!

Day 22- I am thankful for… conversation. You get to know people; you share your deepest secrets, hopes and dreams. Conversation opens people up and it’s a great witnessing tool.

Day 23- I am thankful for… birds. Strange one, I know. I love in the summer, waking up at camp at 5 (yes, am!), shuffling to the ladies’ room for a shower, yawning, and then, pausing to listen to the birds singing praise to the Lord. How awesome is that?! It was a good daily reminder of why I was there!

Day 24- I am thankful for… long car rides. Whether it’s with family or friends, I know I’m in for lots of laughs, maybe some tears, and a whole bunch of time to know people better.

Day 25- I am thankful for… made-up games. Another unusual choice, but I have a reason. I used to pretend I was Lucy from “The Chronicles of Narnia” I was on the Dawn Treader or riding a horse through the Western Woods. I learned how to deal with stuff, even if it was made up. I sound nuts… I promise I’m normal… Well, kind of ;) My mom makes up games for long car rides too… There was one where we go through the alphabet and have to name different songs for each letter, or characters from the Bible… or sing the first lines of Christmas carols… we are a very extraordinary family!

Day 26- I am thankful for… music. Hymns, choruses, background jazz at Starbucks, opera at Barnes & Noble, The Messiah by Handel, Christmas carols, country music for the summer (well, all year round really) Christian contemporary for youth meetings, classical for studying, movie soundtracks for writing, etc. Music is a gift and a blessing.

Day 27- I am thankful for… late nights. Some of my best memories have been made at night: sitting in the boathouse at camp, eating Nutella and talking about Jesus; sitting on a couch, watching movies with my best friends; having dance parties for two; telling secrets under the blankets, etc.

May you all have a Blessed Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

November Thankfulness Challenge! Days 19-21

Hello readers! I’m going to do a little plugging and ask that you follow me here & Twitter, share the posts on your Facebook and Google+! You can also add me on Google+ and let me know you found me through the blog! Comments are always welcome… I would love to interact with you and get to know my readers better! It would be a big help to me and hopefully these posts bless you today, and in the future as well!

I promise that’s it. Here are days 19-21 of the November Thankfulness Challenge!

Day 19- I am thankful for… hope. Imagine your life without hope. You would have nothing to push you through bad days… you might as well give up. Hope in Christ saves you from that. You never have to feel that way. You will not want to give up because the hope that we have in Christ gives us that extra shove when we need it and when we do not.

Day 20- I am thankful for… my notebook. It’s spiral-bound with a picture of a girl under a tree and it is perfect for my writing ideas, words I like the sound of, quotes, pictures, and even a sketch or two. But I carry it basically everywhere and I write lists in it, things to look up, and anything other thing. It keeps me organized and sound.

Day 21- I am thankful for… prayer. I can send out a mass text and within 5-15 minutes, people are messaging me, sending love and prayers. I’ll get calls with people praying with me over the phone, asking what they should be doing. It’s just amazing! I don’t know where I would be without this important aspect of my life… lost probably.

Many Blessings!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Thankfulness Challenge: Days 9-18.

I'm doing a terrible job at this... it's been a busy couple of days. Here's the next group of days for the November Thankfulness Challenge!

Day 9- I am thankful for... technology! I am thankful for being able to keep in touch with so many people so easily from all over the country, and you, my dear readers! I would not be the person I am today without being able to call or text a friend, view wedding pictures of those I would otherwise be unable to see, send birthday wishes, etc. It can be viewed as a bad thing, but used for the right reasons.

Day 10- I am thankful for... my darling friends... everyone else! I mentioned two on previous days but then I felt bad in case others feel like I'm slighting them. I have several dear friends that I do not speak to everyday, but I am eternally grateful for! There are so many of them that I will not name them, but you know who are. I've known some of them since I was born and others I have just become close with, but I love them all. They encourage me, purposefully or just by their examples, they make me laugh and cry, they are there. I have so many people that I can count on to pray when I need it, be there when I need to cry, etc. I pray for them and thank God that He gave me such a wide circle of friends.

Day 11- I am thankful for... my dogs! I love my babies! They bring such happiness and excitement into our lives. Something as simple as a dog's bark when you walk in the door from a long day at work can flip the whole day around.

Day 12- I am thankful for... laughter. This is something my family and friends do... a lot!!! No matter what I'm feeling like, a quick laugh and the day is a little bit better... and the situation doesn't look as bleak.

Day 13- I am thankful for... the people who protect our country. I have a few friends and family who members have served in the military. People protect our land with their lives and that make me proud to be an American.

Day 14- I am thankful for... solitude. Sometimes being alone is good. Walking through the park with the wind blowing autumn leaves around your legs, thinking, praying, reading, humming, etc. It sounds a bit strange but I like when I can be alone with my thoughts. I also get lots of ideas for my writing!

Day 15- I am thankful for... books! I can't believe this isn't an item on further up on the list! Books have opened a different world for me! I can live in those worlds, those situations, meet those people, be their friends, go to their parties, go on adventures, cry with them and laugh at them. I don't understand people who don't like to read. They must no be doing it correctly! (But I'll leave that for another time.)

Day 16- I am thankful for... my church family. Growing together in Jesus and helping each other along the way.... What else could I add?

Day 17- I am thankful for... food! I love food. I love eating, making it, making it, boiling it, steaming it, frying it, etc. But what I'm more thankful for with this, is the opportunities that go along with... the chance to gather with friends and laugh, talk, and eat! Thanksgiving is coming soon!!!!

Day 18- I am thankful for... traditions! Thanksgiving traditions, Christmas traditions, Easter traditions, birthday traditions, family traditions, friend traditions, etc. Tradition can become just that, but I enjoy them, and I don't tire of them!!!

Okay, that's the next batch. Share below what you're thankful for!


Friday, November 8, 2013

November Thankfulness Challenge!

It’s November!

I haven’t posted like I promised. I think I’ll stop promising. But what I will do is a “30 day Thankfulness Challenge!” Many of my friends have been posting this on Facebook but I thought I would do it on my blog. Below are the first 8 days!

Day 1- I am thankful for… my parents. They are wonderful! They are there and can always make me laugh, or at least smile, when I’m having a terrible day. They are a great encouragement by showing excellent examples of their love for each other and their walks with the Lord.

Day 2- I am thankful for… my job. I started at a new job back in June and I absolutely LOVE it! There are days, of course, when it becomes tedious and long but I am enjoying it either way.

Day 3- I am thankful for… beautiful sunshine! This one sounds a bit odd, but there is nothing like waking up all groggy and "blehh" in the morning then turning towards the window and being reminded that sun is shining and Jesus loves me! That’s a big job for some sunshine!

Day 4- I am thankful for… my Savior. His love has become more apparent than ever to me as we have been watching The Bible series in our church on Sunday nights. The mercy and grace of our is just amazing! I can’t believe that He said a sinner, such as me!

Day 5- I am thankful for… my sister, E! She is awesome! Depending on the day, we can fight and be at each others throats or laughing so hard, we are on the floor! She is talented and smart: perfect example, she’s teaching herself guitar and Chinese!

Day 6- I am thankful for… my dear friend Sarah. She has been there for me through thick and thin, especially recently.  (And, I’ve known her since I was a few months old!) I know that she is there to listen, to pray, to encourage, and to “fangirl” over things with me. *wink* She has pushed me back to reading, encouraged me in my writing ventures, and taken me places in NYC that I would probably never have gone to otherwise. Love you, Sarah!

Day 7- I am thankful for… my friend Bethany. We became good friends through a very odd bunch of circumstances a few years back, but it was a friendship worth forging. She introduced me to Starbucks, midnight Skype calls, The Mummy movies, and lots of other things. We don’t talk as much as normal friends do, but let’s face it… our friendship was never “normal” to begin with! Love you, Bethany.

Day 8- I am thankful for… coffee! Another odd choice, I know. Well, there’s a good reason for this one.  Aside from all the awesome caffeine side effects, some of the best conversations I have had have been over a cup of coffee. Whether it’s outside Starbucks, teeth chattering in the middle of January, or inside a kitchen with warm baked goods, it’s afforded a comfortable place to open up.

Okay, I’m all caught up! What are YOU thankful for?


Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Wanderlust Wednesday: Madagascar!

        My family a few years back had a sudden urge to go to Madagascar. Maybe we watched a PBS special or something, I don't know, but we never made it. Probably because of the price of airfare, hotel, etc. But anyway, here are some beautiful pictures of the lovely Madagascar!
In case you don't know where Madagascar is.

Look at that stretch of beach!
Baobab trees

Ready for a trek in the jungle?
Look at the view inland!
Ring-tailed Lemurs
A Yellow-Bellied Sunbird

Madagascar Gecko, isn't he cute?
A Fossa, a relative of the mongoose, living only in Madagascar. Adorable face, huh?
         What do you think? Beautiful place right? I'll go one of these days! Next week, we'll go somewhere in the United States. Maybe it will be close enough for you to visit!


         Disclaimer! I do not own any of the pictures! Any images with copyright stamps I did not crop out. All photos, unless stated, are not my own and can be found online.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Vow Renewal pics!

        My many apologies for taking a brief amount of time off. Crazy things going on! Just an update then I shall begin posting like normal tomorrow!

       My parents vow renewal was fantastic! I only have a few pictures that I took on my phone. We're waiting for the pictures from our photographing friends who so wonderfully helped us out! Anyway, below are the few I have.

Reverend Jonathan Schultheis performed the vows
Reverend Eddie Waldvogel says prayer

Dear friends of mine, Julie and Ashley Waldvogel did a violin duet of "I am His, and He is Mine." You can read Julie's blog here and Ashley's blog here .

We had a blessed time with many friends and family all around! Thank you to all who joined us on this special day!

I will post tomorrow with a Wanderlust Wednesday you do NOT want to miss!


Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Tuesday's Thrills: Nerd Girl Moment!!!

       Today's thrill has to do with something that happened in the nerd-verse today. They released the second official trailer for the upcoming installment of The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug!!!!!!!

      I know, I know, people. I'm nuts. There's a reason behind my love for this movie, the whole genre of fantasy, in fact. When I was younger, and even now, stories were my escape. Having a bad day? Pick up Tolkien. Confused with school? Take a break and pick up Narnia. Frustrated with family? Pick up The Chronicles of Prydain. I was able to escape, be myself, feel... oh I don't know... like a person. Because of stories, I learned what to do if I'm ever on a deserted island, how to build a raft,  how to bind a wound with a scarf, what kind of roots to eat when traveling, etc. I know, that stuff is basically pointless, but I also learned how to act around grown ups, take care of others, help the hurt and brokenhearted, etc. Stuff I will actually use. I matured so much because of books.

       Sorry, that was a really long explanation and it includes lots of ramblings but hopefully I got some sort of a point across. Don't knock the fantasy and sci-fi genres of books, movies, tv shows, etc. They provide otherwise unattainable situations to mature and learn. Learn to live and learn to love.

      Anyway, here's the link to watch the trailer. "The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug"


Weekend Wonders

       I forgot to post this over the weekend! So sorry!

        My wonder this weekend was actually on Friday! Sneaky, I know. We had a fall picnic/bonfire at my church and many people were there. (Below are some pictures.) But the wonder was that not only are we a family on Sundays, or when there are trials, but we can also be a family during the good times too. What an encouragement for fellow Christians! We can get together and laugh, and eat, and roast marshmallows, and tell jokes, and eat, and let the kids play, and did I mention, we eat? We eat, a lot. Several of our church members are fantastic cooks, so the food was abounding... especially the desserts!

      That was my little wonder this weekend. I spent Saturday working on Algebra with my sister, planning our church trip to the Metropolitan Museum at the end of October, and doing some shopping. Sunday I was not feeling "up to par" so I stayed home from church to get some much needed sleep and I was able to work on some writing that day as well.

       Some pictures of the picnic are below. I must get better at taking more pictures!


PS- I'll be skipping Musings for a Monday this week. Tuesday's Thrills will be posted later on.

I always have a blast with these girls when I am blessed to pick them up!

My little man, Sammy

Bro. Ray... fire man.

Erin & Elizabeth... and Noah's head.

Elizabeth & Noah.