Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Time is Here...

It's the most wonderful time of the year!
There'll be much mistltoeing,
And hearts will be glowing,
When love ones are near!
It's the most wonderful time of the year!
~Andy Williams

Not only is it the most wonderful time like the songs says, it's also my favorite time of the WHOLE year! I love the sounds, the cold weather, the music, the lights, the trees, the business, the overall excitement! It's just a happy time. At least for me. I still get a little perturbed over the traffic and nastiness of people who don't enjoy the season, but I know that there is a good reason to celebrate!

I had a conversation with someone at my workplace last week. This person is not a Christian, dislikes anything to do with family, friendships, and holidays, especially Christmas. She was commenting on how when I "grow up"and "go through bad situations" I will understand why she hates Christmas and I won't love it as much as I do now. I said that I would never not love Christmas or this season. But I bit my tongue because I didn't want to "preach" at her. (She knows I am a Christian.) This little interlude made me realize even more how lost this world is. I love Christmas for the reasons I stated above, but I also love it because it tells us the beginning of the story of our Saviour. Jesus Christ came down from Heaven where He was sitting next to His Father to save us and this sinful world! What a pitiful sight we must have been! Yet, He came down here because He loved us!

I never want to lose the real reason behind Christmas. I never want to lose my joy and happiness throughout the craziness of this season. It's a time to be blessed and to bless other people!

Well, my Christmas Eve was quiet and rather uneventful. I am suffering with a slight cold, but it hasn't prevented me from the celebration! Last night we had our candlelight service at church. (Picture at left, sorry it's edited but it's the only one I have!) We had a video going on the screen of a yule log! The tree and Nativity scene on the piano was looking spectacular with all the other lights dimmed in the church! We had had dinner before service at Grandma's then returned there after the service for dessert and presents. But the biggest surprise was when my cousin and my aunt showed up at my grandparents' front door! They flew in all the way from Arizona to spend Christmas in Jersey! It was a great surprise and it was wonderful to spend some time with them!

Christmas Morning! Because of this cold, I was up at 4 am, but I didn't get anyone else up until 7:30am. We dressed and went downstairs, all sitting on the couches to listen as dad read the Christmas story from Matthew. Then, the presents. Books, calendars, slippers, sweatshirts, a wafflemaker, bobbleheads, giftcards and more were all in the mix! It was so fun to spend time with family! Then the extended family came at 10. (My dad's parents and sister.) We had brunch! So yummy!
 We had muffins, fancy coffee cake, a German breakfast dish (far right) that I can't pronounce, lol, and quiche: spinach & swiss, and three cheese!

We also had blueberry bread and a bowl of fruit! Delicious!

Here's Opa and Oma after eating talking to Mom (not pictured.)
                              Aunt Linda and Dad chatting in the kitchen.

Elizabeth working on her guitar. It's all tuned and ready for her to start teaching herself!
I want to wish you all a Happy Christmas, as they say in Great Britain, and a Blessed New Year!
Elizabeth (right) and I

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


      A dear friend had sent me this picture via social media and I asked if I could take the picture and write something up about it and post it on my blog. She graciously said yes so here it is!

     We live in a culture where purity is a thing almost unheard of! "You're waiting? Why?""Get it over with!" "You will most likely not be with this person when you're old enough to get married, so just do it." "It doesn't matter what other people say, it's okay." "Other people have done it. What's the harm?"

     Maybe you've heard some of these statements from coworkers, friends, or even family members. It's discouraging, right? You have made a decision and others don't understand it. You may feel like no one has the same conviction. You are at a lose. Should I just go ahead? Should I just do it? 

     Let me tell you a quick story: there was a girl, let's call her Brenda. She and her boyfriend had been careful, never allowing themselves to be a situation where they could make a bad choice. They were content where they were because they were waiting. But doubts began to form in Brenda's head because people at her job had made fun of her and her choice. "Why are you waiting? Just do it and get it over with." Some of them even said that if she didn't sleep with her boyfriend, he might leave her. She was terrified. I can't lose him! she thought. We are doing the right thing by waiting. Without realizing it, she had let Satan get into her head. No matter what she did, she had these nagging thoughts telling her to "do it." She finally had enough. Brenda called her boyfriend, let's call him Sam. She began to tell her what had been going on, everything that people had said, the thoughts that had been going through her head, etc. She was crying hysterically. "You and I both know that we can't. I have an idea," he said. They agreed to meet the next day and talk in person. Sam sat her down, grabbed her hands, looked into her eyes and said, "We are going to make a promise, first to God, to each other, then ourselves. We are not going to let other people get into our heads. We know it's wrong. With God's help, we are going to resist the temptations that our culture lays before us and be pure in the sight of God."

       Because of the promise and commitment that these two made to God, each other, and themselves, they resisted the temptations. And, they are married today!

      The point I was making by telling you that story was that you can resist. You can be pure. You can be faithful and true. Whether you are in a relationship or not, God will help you to control yourself and not cross that line. God is saving the perfect person for you. Our Father has something very special for you. He loves you so much and wants the bests for you! 

     Make the promise today. If you have fallen into that temptation, made that bad choice, ask for forgiveness. We are not perfect. God will forgive. He's awesome like that! Then determine in your heart to become who you are to be. If you have not crossed that line, make the choice now, today! Stay pure and true! In fact, if you make your decision today, if reading through this has helped you to make up your mind, then leave me a comment and tell me so! I would love to hear from you! And, if you are struggling with this, please let me know. I will be glad to pray for you!!!

     So, the "moral of the story" is to make the choice for yourself. Stand tall and proud because you are God's creation and you can be true and faithful! Resist it now, and God will reward you!

Blessings! ~Abby 

PS: Thank you Julie for the picture!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Time flies! It's the holidays!

Well, I have not posted anything for over a month! It is now the first of December! Christmas is around the corner. What are your upcoming plans for the holidays? How have you been, my readers?

Since I last posted, Hurricane Sandy came through and destroyed most of the East Coast. There has been much damage here in Jersey. We were safe, thank God, but I have a few friends who were affected. I would appreciate prayer for them. There are so many people who were affected and lost so much and many lost everything. It's a time for Christians to step up and help others. Don't just read about it or watch the news. Prayer is always good, but sometime, we need to get up and do something for others. God is faithful!

Thanksgiving arrived with full force. We had a full house: nine of us around the table! It was enough, believe me! But it was a great time! Two days before Thanksgiving however, my family and others from our church put together and delivered our Thanksgiving baskets. We filled up boxes with food for the holiday, including a turkey, stuffing, potatoes, and pies, and delivered it to families in our church and in the area to people who were suffering financially. It was such a great blessing to us to be able to help them at this time.

Our Thanksgiving, as I said, was great! We had the works: turkey, rice dressing, stuffing, sweet potatoes, veggies, cranberries, pies, cake, cookies, ice cream, etc! After the majority of our company left, we had a number of teenagers and young adults at the house to have some desserts with us, play some games, and just be together at the holidays!

Two friends slept over from Thanksgiving and we went shopping on Black Friday! Unlike the people who were on line at 3am, we slept then went to the mall around 10. It was busy and crowded, but not too bad. We got a lot of Christmas shopping done! It's always more fun to do things around the holidays with other people than by yourself. At least that's my opinion.

The majority of my Christmas shopping is done!!! So happy! Aside from ordering a few things here and there, I have all my presents done! Now I just have to wrap them all... the joys of the season!

Well, I promise to post soon about Christmas!

Merry Christmas! ~Abby

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Need Prayer? (Read through it first to understand)

The following is rant. Please bear with me.

So here is my problem with people. Why do they have to be so down all the time? They talk about how terrible their jobs are, how they hate people, how they don't have people to celebrate things with, etc. They won't smile, laugh, sing, or just plain get excited! It aggravates me! But it then also reminds me how sad their lives really are. I believe that they only reason they are like that is because they don't have the Joy of Jesus like I do. I mean, let's face it: if you don't have Christ living inside of you, what would make you happy? It certainly would not be the things going on in this world today. Just watch the news- how depressing! I refrain from watching the news as much as possible.

If you haven't figured it out already, I am a professing believer of Jesus Christ and I am not ashamed of that fact! I will not conform to this world. I will stand for my Savior. I will not back down. Let me get back to my main point.

People in this world make me sad. I feel bad for them. I can't imagine my life without having that sacred relationship with God. I can talk to Him when I need to, I worship Him because I know He is worthy, I can know that He is with me at all times. How can people go through this life without that assurance? Things get thrown at us that, many times, we can't control- death of friends and family, loss of a job, failed marriage, etc. What I can't understand is people who go through this kind of stuff without having the Lord there for them. He gives guidance, wisdom, hope, and peace. Has anyone figured this out? Can anyone give me an answer?

Thanks for bearing with me. I hope that if anyone is reading this and they are going through that type of a situation, please remember that there is someone who is there for you. All you need to do is turn your head up and ask Him for His amazing help. And if you just need pray, leave your name in the comments and any specifics you want to leave (you don't have to) and please know that I will be praying for you and your situation!

Blessings to you in Jesus Christ.


Friday, September 28, 2012

Random thoughts...

        I wrote this on the train on Wednesday night but I had no way to post it. I hope you enjoy and I will be posting something about my trip, with some pictures, once I can!

          Today on the train going home, I saw two clouds. One was a vibrant, bright, and rich orange color, from the opposite sunset. Quite close to it was a dark, stormy, dreary cloud. They both had these pieces, ends if you will, that almost touched. It looked as if two fingers were reaching, stretching to touch. It reminded me of that beautiful painting on the Sistine Chapel in Italy; perhaps you know about what I’m speaking about. In this unforgettable painting on the ceiling, there is one scene that, I consider the most cherished and valued. God is extending His arm, His fingers trying to seize ours. The man, however, is not so eager: his arm is slightly up and reaching, but not as desperate; he doesn’t see it as precious, what he could have.

           I recalled from this simple illustration how the Lord desires to have a relationship with us as His children and also, of how many times we have neglected and ignored His pleas to become closer. The Lord continues to reach out to us even if we ignore Him and His calling. May we become more sensitive to His calling in our lives, and strive to accomplish what He desires us to. 

See you soon!

Monday, September 24, 2012


Just a quick update- vacation with the family is going great! I am so glad to be seeing old friends and making new ones! I am missing some others :( Having a wonderful time and I will be setting up my journailsm blog hopefully this week!!!
Just wanted to do a quick little update!
Longer posts later!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Update! - Growth & Upcoming Announcements!

So, I haven't been on here since May. It has been so crazy! I have started working on a lot of projects, started working on my Journalism degree. :) I am super excited for this new path! I would love to become a travel journalist! To begin on that journey, I'll be starting a journalism blog in the next few days to chronicle different trips that I take, places I go, people I meet, and just to practice my writing more. So I will post a link to that blog once I have it all set up and I begin to post on it.

I have been really absent from this site for a while. The summer was SUPER nuts! I went to camp for almost a month- that was great! I met a few interesting people and learned so much about myself and how I need God so much more! He has been so good to me lately. I feel so close to Him and I can't help but worship and praise Him with everything I do! I have been cleaning out my life of things that I know He doesn't want there anymore. It's a slow, long, and at times, hard, but I feel like I am becoming a stronger Christian and more confident in myself as I begin to find myself and who I am supposed to be in Christ.

My church had Vacation Bible School in August- that was a success! We have a few new people coming to church that I hungry for God to become real in their lives.

A woman in my church, Sis Pat. and I went this past Saturday to visit some of the kids from Bible School and some others that we have been missing from church. Driving around the town, we didn't talk to a lot of them, but we left them flyers and just prayed for them. We have a dear family in the church who is really going through a hard time. Financially, they are struggling, and they have a lot of other things going on in their lives. So right now, if you, my reader, don't mind, please say a quick prayer for them? It would be a blessing to them, and to me.

I think that's it. I'll be posting information on the new journalism blog as soon as I get it all set up.

God Bless,

Friday, May 11, 2012

a lesson learned...

So a lot has been going on since my last post!

1) I have passed my Intro to World Religions test! YAY! (3 more credits!!!)
2) I have ended my college program that I was doing, not because I finished it with a degree but I felt like the Lord was leading me somewhere else. (I’ll elaborate on that more later on.)
3) Our Annual Homeschool Convention is in a week so we’ve been very busy with that but it’s going really well so far! Your prayers would be extremely appreciated!
4) I have sort of reconnected with one friend that I had lost touch with a few years ago.  I’m also trying to mend some other friendships that I have either lost, or I have drifted away from the other person. I feel like the Lord is leading me to try and reach out to these people so we’ll see how He leads.
5) I have been really using the last few weeks to grow in my spiritual walk. I’ll talk about that now and then go back to some of the other things.

I have been reading through different Psalms during the day. It’s been helping me stay calm, focused, and less stressed. I often would just get up and start my day, but now that I have been getting into the Bible more and just relying more on the promises of Jesus, I have a more gentle spirit within me. I know that it’s all due to His greatness and Holy Spirit. He has been showing me more and more how to become like Him.

When I am truly honest with myself, I know that I am not the person I should be. I know that God can make me into EXACTLY what He wants me to be. It’s very hard to surrender everything, and I mean everything to Him. I like to be in control, on top of everything, organized into binders and sections, calendars and appointments. But, I’ve been learning, slowly and painfully at times, that God doesn’t work that way. He needs to be in control of our lives. In His time, in His ways, He will do it all for good. For your good. That’s a lesson I’ve been struggling with for a long time, but it has been made so real to me that when God is in control, everything falls into place.

In regards to ending my college program, I felt that it was the right thing to do. It’s very closely related to my previous paragraphs. The organization I was working with are a wonderful group of people, first of all. They were right there to help me through things, answer all of my questions, give me great insight, etc. My personal coach was fabulous! She was always there to listen to me, help through failed tests, celebrate with me when I passed, etc. But most of all, she was there to pray with me and for me. I knew that I could trust her with a lot of my secrets and tell her many of my prayer requests. She would always make sure that I understood about my tests, everything about the program, etc. I was incredibly blessed to have her as my coach.

The main reason that I stopped that particular program before getting my degree, was that I felt that God wanted me somewhere else. I have a lot of college credits and now it’s going to be a waiting process. I have to see the options that are out there, see where God is going to lead me. It’s hard because, like I had said before, I have to entrust it ALL to Him. I am leaving my heart open to His leading, and my head open to suggestions! It will be a challenging couple of months to see how I can let Him lead, but I am very excited about what He will do with my life!

I think that’s all for now. If you made it all the way to the end, thank you for bearing with me! Please comment below!

Blessings through Jesus!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Better mood, upcoming plans, & goodbye to a dear saint!

I'm in a little bit better mode than the other day. So yeah... thanks for letting me rant!

So, I have 13 days left with my college program, then a break. I don't know how long, but I'll be blogging during that time about things that the Lord is showing me. I am not going to let my life go to waste. I'm not going to wait for tomorrow, for other people, for things to happen to me. I am going to make things happen myself. I'm creating a list of things to do before the end of this year. I'll post some of the list on here and then as I actually accomplish things.  I am not going to let life pass me by.

A few things on my list- (not in any particular order)
1) go to New York City with some friends and just wander and take pictures.
2) learn to embroider
3) go with my friends to the beach/park/shopping/etc.
4) redo my room (without spending a lot of money.
5) Most Importantly- get deeper into God's Word and be more of an encouragement to my friends.

As I go, I'll update on my progress and other things that I'm doing. But for the next 13 days, I am still in school and I'm going to focus on that. 

Your prayers are appreciated greatly!

Just wanted to thank God for taking home a dear servant of God yesterday, Bro. Dan. I am friends with his niece and nephew and my prayers go to them at this time. Seriously, if you see this, please know that I am praying for you. He is celebrating with the angels right now and worshiping his Maker! Thank you Lord for the promise of eternal life! 

"And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?” -John 11:26

Leave comments and ask me questions below!!!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


So I haven't posted in about 2 months. It's been crazy, working two jobs, studying World Religions, keeping up with church stuff, etc. As much as I love being really busy, I hate not being able to focus on certain things.

I am stopping my college program on April 22nd for 2 main reasons. 1) I do not feel called to what I was doing. I learned a lot about different things and myself, but it wasn't working. Plus, I was sick of failing. Failing tests made me feel stupid and also that feeling that I disappointed my parents, my coach, etc. My confidence was so low at some points that all I wanted to do was curl up in a ball and cry. So I was tired of that feeling.  2) I am sick and tired of feeling alone. I know that I have a strong "back up group" but at the same time, I still feel alone. As a home schooler for my whole life, it never bothered me to be at home while half of my friends went to public school. It never bothered me until now. There are a number of students doing this college program and they are doing great. But I was tired of feeling separated from everyone else. My parents, my sister, my colleagues, my close friends all supported me through the past two years, but I was just tired of not having connections with other people.

So that's that. No because of the above decision, I now have to think about what God wants me to do. Am I supposed to go away to college or stay home? If I do go, what do I study? Where do I go? If I stay home, do I just work and be involved with my church even more than I am? These are the questions that I am asking myself multiple times a week. But I have no answers for myself, or anyone else.

So for at least the next few months, I will be writing, taking photos, making memories, going places, meeting new people, and just being myself. I wish there was an option for me where all I had to do was remind people that life isn't so bad, to smile, to remember Who made them, to live life, to love no matter what the cost, to be happy. I have not found that yet. I was once told that I had something that no one else had- a Doctorate in Being Abby. Being myself. It's hard to believe that when I have so much going against me (or at least that how it feels.)

I'm sorry that this turned into a sort of rant. It isn't grammatically correct and if it doesn't make much sense, I apologize, but I do feel better now that I got it out.

Thanks for listening (reading).

Monday, February 6, 2012


Well, in the past week I have had some good news- I passed my Humanities! I now have 6 more college credits! This was a huge pick-me-up. I was very discouraged over this and receiving a passing grade was exactly what I needed! :]

My hours, which had been cut down at work, are starting to pick up again which I am very grateful for. 

I have so much to be thankful for. I have a job, a supportive family, and friends that I can depend on! What more could I ask for?

"Thank you, Lord, for saving my soul;
Thank you, Lord, for making me whole.
Thank you, Lord, for giving to me
Thy great salvation, so rich and free!"

O Lord God of hosts,
Who is mighty like You, O Lord?
Your faithfulness also surrounds You. ~Psalm 89:8

I serve a great and wonderful God who rules over all and is faithful to those who trust and believe in Him! Thank you Jesus!

Yours in Him,

Monday, January 23, 2012

It's days like these that make me want to just...

Today was, is... just keep reading. 

  I sometimes feel like maybe none of it is worth all the effort that I put into it. There's an unknown quote that says "Before you give up, think of the reason why you held on for so long." My problem is that I don't remember what I've been holding onto. I can't remember the reason behind anything. Sometimes I feel like I've been doing it all just because. Lately, I've been studying Humanities for school and because I only do what subject at a time, I get so focused on doing well in that one thing that I can't remember why I'm doing it in the first place. I get stressed out about one little thing and I can't seem to follow up on any of it. I'm sinking, drowning, going down, deeper into something that I don't understand.

   This song has been playing lately over the radio, my iPod, and even in my head. But it's not "touching" me at all. But I'll share it with you anyway and maybe it will bless you.

"You are more than the choices that you've made, 
You are more than the sum of your past mistakes, 
You are more than the problems you create, 
You've been remade. 

'Cause this is not about what you've done, 
But what's been done for you.
This is not about where you've been, 
But where your brokenness brings you to

This is not about what you feel, 
But what He felt to forgive you, 
And what He felt to make you loved. 

You are more than the choices that you've made, 
You are more than the sum of your past mistakes, 
You are more than the problems you create, 
You've been remade." You are More by Tenth Avenue North

   There is a pressure to do different things and I feel like I'm drowning in it all. I think I am, drowning in the pressure and stress. I don't know. I don't understand. I want to know why. I want answers, but I'm not getting any.

 Why God, Why? Why do You give me these situations to go through but there does not seem to be anyway out? Why am I drowning? Why do I feel like it's all been in vain? Why do I feel like I'm doing it "just because?" WHY GOD, WHY?!?!? GIVE ME ANSWERS! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Song as a reminder

This song is such a good encouragement as a remind that EVERYTHING matters.

Well let me remind you, it all matters just as long
As you do everything you do to the glory of the One who made you, 
Cause he made you, 
To do
Every little thing that you do 
To bring a smile to His face
Tell the story of grace
With every move that you make
And every little thing you do 

  What a great reminder that everything we do, whether it's making dinner, sitting in traffic, cleaning the house, going to work, or anything else, it all matters to God. EVERYTHING IS IMPORTANT. So remember this- everything matters in the light of eternity.

Praying for many of my friends and coworkers who need His touch!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

I just have to make a quick post about this song I heard. Here are the lyrics to the chorus-

"All I know is I'm not home yet 
This is not where I belong 
Take this world and give me Jesus 
This is not where I belong!" ~Where I Belong

Home is not this world. Home is the world "up there" with my Savior and all my coheirs in Christ. So take this world away because all I need is Jesus! 

Link to song- Where I Belong- Building 429

Sunday, January 15, 2012

It's Sunday

Today was an overall excellent day! Both church services were very enjoyable and then the Giants won against the Green Day Packers!! Very exciting! My family are huge football fans so we were very happy!

I watched Sense and Sensibility this afternoon and I'm watching the 2005 Pride and Prejudice now and I am beginning to remember why I love these movies/stories/books so much! They are reminders that there are still some good in the world. Maybe, just maybe...

All well. When this is over, time for bed. Maybe if I get all my schoolwork done on time, I can watch another :)

Love in Him,

Friday, January 13, 2012

So much to do... so little time.

I have SO much to get done, but I feel like there's no time. Right now I have to write a summary report to review on Everyman and read The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. Sometimes I feel like there's so much pressure that is on me making me suffocate. I have been trying this new year to really focus on what's really important like my relationship with my Lord and my school until April when I will have a much needed break. But I can't seem to focus on the things at hand. I have quiet music on the try to keep me focused but it's not working. Neither is my coffee, or my hot cocoa, or anything else. I hate days like these.

Time to try again....

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


I'm hoping tonight to get to sleep like a normal person at a reasonable hour, but considering that it's already 10:30 and I'm still up-and-about, I don't think that it's going to happen. Today was really a lot of fun! I had only a couple hours at work, then I had dinner with some old friends catching up, and then, I Skyped with some friends from Minnesota!!! So much fun in one day!!! :)

But tonight as I attempt some sleep, I'm going to be praying for all the different needs in my church, my family, and my friends who are struggling with so many things- There are various people in my church who really need a healing touch from God; family members who need to know Him as their Savior; and friends who are tackling many life-altering choices and could use a LOT of prayer! But what I can remember for myself and to remind them is that- "Our God is an Awesome God!" We can believe in the power of prayer because of who we believe in!

That's what I'm doing tonight- as I go to sleep, to prayer for those who really need it.

I shall say good night all (hopefully I will not be on here again today :/)

2 am and counting...

It is now 2 am on Tuesday as I sit here typing this. I hate when I can't sleep for no real reason... I don't know why, but it's giving me time to listen the Handel's Messiah. The words seem to calm my heart as I listen to it. "O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion, get thee up into the high mountain; O thou that tellest good tidings to Jerusalem, lift up thy voice with strength; lift it up, and be not afraid; say unto the cities of Judah, Behold your God!" 
This reminds me that what I really need to is worship Him. He will guide and calm. That is my prayer for myself and others.

I promised a picture of dinner- the red potatoes I made. If anyone is interested, I can post the recipe on here. It's really simple and very scrumptious! But we had this with a tasteful roast pork tip that I could in the slow cooker. I'm not sure what I put in there considering that it had "a little of everything!" But over all it was a successful meal! :)

I am hoping to make a stew on Friday, which I have made before and it is a winter favorite! 

So now it is 2:10 am and I am still awake- I'm really rambling right now because I am tired but I can not fall asleep. Sometimes I am afraid to fall asleep because of these awful nightmares that I often get. They vary a bit, but they always have something happen. My family and friends are sick, hurt, or worse; yet, the worse is when I dream that I am all alone in the world. No one to talk to, sing with, cook for, take care of, pray for, worship together, etc. It's a very terrible feeling, to feel helpless I mean. But what I do, is pray. And sing. Singing helps :]

I have a friend who is going through a "personal crisis" of sorts. I would appreciate your prayers for her very much. Also for me- I'm going to attempt some sleep now at 2:20 am and I do have a lot to accomplish tomorrow (today). Your prayers are coveted greatly!

May God bless you richly as you delight in His word, live in His will, and love Him with all that is within you!

Monday, January 9, 2012

lesson learned!

I haven't posted in a while. It's been so busy! I have a lot going on. I'll have to post later after I cook dinner :) the picture that's attached is something that  happened at work. BABY SKITTLES!!! :)

I have a very dear friend of mine who has a ear and throat infection, so I would appreciate your prayers for her! :) another close friend of mine is going through a lot. He has major choices to make and he is having a very difficult time so your prayer for him would also be appreciated!

Other than that, I've been trying to concentrate on something I was asked to do for the year. My Sunday school teacher gave a pamphlet that has a schedule to read the Bible through the year. So far it's been so amazing just delving into God's word everyday and trying just learn more and more about Him and His will for my life. Here is a thought that the Lord gave me today- "Wait on the Lord, and keep His way, and He shall exalt you to inherit the land..." Psalm 37:34

This verse remind me that when I wait upon the Lord and follow His way, there is a reward! Many people don't realize this when the think about Christianity. We have a reward that no one can ever replace!!! What could be more amazing than life eternal? May the Lord help us realize that and share it with others :)