Sunday, November 13, 2016

Grateful: Day 13

What abilities are you grateful for?

   Well, today especially, I am thankful for my ability to play piano. Our church piano was just tuned this week and it sounded incredibly beautiful as I played in the evening service. No twangy keys or squeaky pedals, just lovely notes.
   I am also thankful for my ability to write. I know I let my writing on here slide a bit, but it is not because I want to... but when you write assignments, discussion posts, lessons, and notes all the time, your brain begins to fry. But I am thankful for my ability to write, even when I get frustrated with myself while doing it.

So what abilities are you thankful for today?
~ Abby

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Grateful: Day 12

What texture are you grateful for?

   This one was weird and I had to think about it for a while but I thought of two. The first one is something that, at least in the northeast, you can only experience in the spring, summer, and early fall: grass on your feet. This one is a little weird, but I love the feeling on grass on my feet, especially if it has just rained and the grass is still a little damp. I know, it's strange, just go with me on this.

   The second one is probably a bit more normal: pages and covers of books, especially an old leather book with thin, delicate pages. It is like a piece of the past in the present. I also love the smell of old books too, but I'll save that for another day.

What texture are you thankful for? Think of a normal one and a not-so normal one!

~ Abby

Friday, November 11, 2016

Grateful: Day 11

What holiday are you most grateful for?

   Thanksgiving! It's almost here and I am so excited! Family, friends, laughter, stories, the parade, food! There is absolutely nothing wrong with this holiday; maybe that's why it is my favorite. I greatly appreciate the loved ones I get to spend time with and the joy and thankfulness we share. Plus, we have our Thanksgiving Eve service at my church the day before which is one of my most treasured services of the entire year.

So what holiday are you thankful for?
~ Abby

PS - Because today is Veteran's Day, I want to say a special thank you to the men and women who have served our nation. Thank you for incredible sacrifices for our country and may God bless you for it!

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Grateful: Day 10

What taste are you most grateful for?

   This is an easy one... coffee!!! I will not launch into all the different kinds of coffee I like or how I like them or how much of it I drink, the answer to this one is definitely coffee!

   Enjoy these lovely pictures of coffee I found online...

Here's some lovely coffee quotes for you to enjoy as well... 

I would rather suffer with coffee than be senseless. - Napoleon Bonaparte
I have measured out my life with coffee spoons. - T.S. Eliot
I'd rather take coffee than compliments just now. - Louisa May Alcott
Black as the devil, hot as hell, pure as an angel, sweet as love. - Charles Maurice de Talleyrand
Behind every successful woman is a substantial amount of coffee. - Stephanie Piro

What taste are you thankful for today?
~ Abby

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Grateful: Day 9

What place are you most grateful for?

   In today's economic situation especially, I am especially thankful for my job! The people are great, they treat me well, and can always make me laugh. In addition to this, a few of them have actually been willing to listen to me share a thought here and there about Jesus. For me, I am able to apply myself to the work I have and give Him the glory. Most of it is just the little things, but it is still important that I do my best and that God gets the all of the glory in it.

To live well is to work well, to show a good activity. - Thomas Aquinas

What place in your life are you grateful for today?

~ Abby

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Grateful: Day 8

What book are you most grateful for today?

   Today being Election Day, I am more than ever thankful for my Bible. I have spent hours praying over chapters and specific verses for our nation. I am thankful for the peace, hope, and strength I receive. I stand on the promises within and I praise God for the truth found in His word!

   In addition to all of this, I am thankful for my collection of books… I will share a picture one day of my bookshelf (when it is clean and organized) so you can see some of my collection… the bookshelf only holds about 1/3 of them!!

What book are you thankful for?

~ Abby

Monday, November 7, 2016

Grateful: Day 7

What memory are you grateful for?

  Well, Thanksgiving is coming up and for some reason, I thought of a Thanksgiving at my great grandma’s house many years ago. I was only six or seven and my Dad’s family had crowded into her small ranch house. I was in her kitchen watching her cook or clean or whatever she was doing at that point and I remember just listening to her tell me stories (I don’t really remember them) and I asked if I could have a cookie out of her large glass cookie jar on the counter. She pulled a chair up to the counter for me so I could climb up and pull out one of those little round Italian cookies covered in chocolate sprinkles.

  So what memory are you thankful for?

~ Abby 

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Grateful: Day 6

What in nature are you grateful for?

  Wind blowing through the trees, smell of a field of flowers, mountains that display incredible strength and dignity, a quietness that can only be found when you leave everything else behind.

  One of my favorite things to do when I need to get away is drive to a large park near my house and either sit in the large field and watch the clouds, or go for a walk in the woods. Not only does my stress level come down, but the time in the quiet allows me to just sit and commune with my Jesus. It’s needed in this time of confusion and unknown.

  So what are you thankful for in nature today?

~ Abby

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Grateful: Day 5

What sound are you grateful for today?

   Today especially, I am thankful for the sounds of people's voices. Whether is someone talking to reconnect, listening to a speaker or minister give a talk, a group of people singing a hymn or God's voice whispering into my heart, I am thankful for the sounds of language.

How about you?


Friday, November 4, 2016

Grateful: Day 4

What food are you most grateful for?

   Gluten-free waffles and brown rice & quinoa pasta. Since I cut gluten out of my diet to help with my migraines over a year ago, I have been able to find yummy substitutes, like the waffles and pasta.

   Thinking about it though, I'm thankful for any food. It is so easy for us to stop being thankful for the little things, like food, but so many in this world do not have steady meals so I am especially thankful for that today.

   What food are you grateful for?


Our Father in heaven,
Hallowed be Your name.
Your kingdom come.
Your will be done
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts,
As we forgive our debtors.
And do not lead us into temptation,
But deliver us from the evil one.
For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.
- Matthew 6:9-13

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Grateful: Day 3

Good afternoon readers! Here is today's gratefulness challenge...

What color are you grateful for?

   I have only one answer for this because today I am thankful for yellow. I am thankful for yellow sunshine, yellow flowers, yellow birds and butterflies, even yellow foods. Whether it is bright like a canary, or subtle like a goldenrod, the color yellow has a way of cheering up your soul. Waking up to a bright blue sky with the yellow sunshine surrounding you reminds us of God's overwhelming love.

So what color are you grateful for today?


Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Grateful: Day 2

What technology are you grateful for?

This one is hard for me because I have a love-hate relationship with technology... But... 

I am thankful for my cell phone because it keeps me connected with my family and friends, including those who are far away.

I love that my computer allows me to do my school from home and I can use it to update my blog :) 

I am thankful for the connection with other Christians over the internet. There are dozens of people who I can contact with prayer requests and I know they are praying. 

What technology are you grateful for today?


Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Grateful: Day 1

Apologies for being absent for over a month! My crazy schedule has been getting the best of me. So it's November which means dozens of thankfulness challenges are everywhere! Here's day one...

"What smell are you grateful for today?"

There's so many but I thought I would pick just a few simple ones...

Warm days full of fresh cut grass & flowers...
A quiet, misty morning at camp...
Fall candles like apple cider or pumpkin pie...
Thanksgiving morning when my parents are making turkey & rice dressing...
Grandma's kitchen after she's been cooking all day...
Evergreen trees covered in snow...
Cup of coffee or tea or hot cocoa...

That enough for now... What are you thankful for?

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

God's plan is worth it.

Hello readers!

   I know I promised updates before school began but it didn't happen and I apologize. But here is something that I have been praying about the last few weeks since my last post. Is the struggle worth it?  When God gives shows you His plan, it requires effort and sacrifice on our part to follow it through. But here’s what God has shown me: all the effort is worth it.

Every minute of lost sleep is worth it.

Every ounce of energy is worth it.

The time you sacrifice with friends and family is worth it.

The hours of prayer over that thing is worth it.

Every minute you have to force yourself to spend working on that God-given purpose is worth it.

Drinking so much coffee that you don’t ever think you’ll sleep again is worth it.

Giving up your time is worth it.

   How many characters in the Bible had to press forward to follow God's purpose? They had to persevere, keep going, making sacrifices, live through the ridicule, etc. But, they knew that following God was the plan. Jesus told us "Do not be afraid; only believe." (Mark 5:36b, NKJV)

   When God shows you “the thing” that He has for you, do not let fear hold you back because you find that there is a deep set drive and passion within you that you cannot ignore. It’s the thing that forces you to stay up late. It’s the thing that your mind constantly returns to in the middle of the day. It’s the thing that you cry out to God about. It’s the thing that takes precedent over yourself. 

And it is worth it.


Tuesday, August 23, 2016


Hello readers!

     Can you believe the summer is almost over?! Classes start for me next week and I have mixed emotions... but I have a few more posts planned before they start  and I plan on updating as I can! But the main purpose of this post was to say thank you.

     This summer, I've been attempting to follow the Lord's leading in regards to this blog, and this included taking the time to actually write down things that He laid on my heart. The response has been small, but God has been constantly showing me that it's not the number of reads, but the people behind those reads. If even one person has been blessed or encouraged just once, then I am doing the right thing.

     Which brings me to my point... the last post, which you can read here, was read over 100 times! That was not my doing, nor Kristen's (read the post if you haven't already!). It was a simple trust that God would use those words for His glory. Are the reads nice? Absolutely! But that's not the point. Like I said before, the purpose of this blog is never to put the focus on me or what I say, but rather to point others to Christ. 

     I read something recently that said "Be obsessively grateful." So that's what I'm doing today. I am thankful for my readers, no matter how few or how many. I am thankful for the support I have received in regards to both this and many other projects in my life from family and friends. I am thankful that God allows me to use this little corner to bring glory to His kingdom. 

     What are you grateful for today?

~ Abby

Monday, August 8, 2016


   Hi everyone! I mentioned in the last post that there would be a special interview with my friend Kristen talking about the grace of God. On the side is a picture of her, so for anyone who doesn't know her, you can put a face with the name. I hope her story encourages you!

How His Grace Found Me:

What was your understanding of God’s grace say, a year or two ago?
      A year or two ago I didn’t really give a lot of thought to grace honestly. The extent of how I viewed grace was probably the standard knowledge of being saved by grace, like by the cross of Jesus, through faith, you know, what they teach you in Sunday school about it and I kind of just left it at that I guess.

So tell us your story...
     So basically my story starts off with me slipping, ever so slightly. But hey everyone falls sometimes, right? Problem with that was that I didn’t get up after slipping. Instead I just let myself fall deeper and deeper into sin. It started with hanging out with the wrong people to finding myself in a toxic relationship. All along the way, one of my friends (my college roommate who lived with me and saw all of this going on) pointed out all these red flags and I, being blinded by my sin, justified every single one.
     It got to the point where I was so far down in the pit of sin that I couldn’t even see the point in living and I doubted the love of the God who made me and saved me. I can’t even remember how it got that bad, but sin can easily become blinders over your eyes, so I guess that’s how.
It was then that God used that same friend to open my eyes. She had people praying for my life that I don’t even know about. That’s why I’m here today, I think. She willingly came into my pit of despair and walked me out and back to Jesus when I felt too shameful and defeated to go to Him on my own. That’s grace right there – God reaching down and picking you back up Himself and even God using someone in such a way that it basically saves your life.
     It’s completely undeserved favor. God is so good to us even when we’re at our all-time low. Those are things I had already known – God is good, gracious, loving, merciful, forgiving- but to experience His hand of grace like that was surreal. When I felt too far gone to ever be loved or used by God again, He showed me His grace was deeper – deeper than my shame, deeper than my sorrow, deeper than my sin.
     Looking back, I feel silly sometimes when I think about the thought processes I had back then. But it just goes to show you that when you let a little bit of darkness into your heart and let it reside there, it will take you to places you never thought you would go. Get up when you slip, don’t keep sliding. How could I be so far down in sin and be where I am today? Grace. God’s grace.

How was God’s grace real to you because of all this?
     Hebrews 4:16 says “Let us approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.” Before all of this, like I said earlier, I viewed grace as the means by which we were saved, you know, through faith on the cross of Jesus Christ. Of course that’s absolutely accurate. However, through all of this I’ve realized there’s so much more to grace. It’s a continuous thing. What I mean by that it’s God’s hand of grace that helps us in our time of need, our time of struggle, our time of stumbling.
     I’ve also learned that there’s no pit so deep that His love is not deeper still. (I think Corrie Ten Boom said that)...We’re never out of the reach of God. He gives grace upon grace like it says in John. Yes, grace saved me the day I gave my heart to Jesus, but grace also covers me daily, which I didn’t realize until recently. Our God is so good to us and always provides, even when the things we need are completely undeserved by our own merit, like His grace.

Anything you want to add? 
     I guess I just want to add that if anyone is feeling remotely similar to how I felt, know that you’re not too far gone. Sometimes we think because we are saved there’s no possible way we’ll make huge mistakes, but we forget that we’re human. Just because you’re saved doesn’t mean you won’t fall, sometimes even in huge ways, but remember how big God is.
     He is a gracious and merciful Savior who will meet you where you are. His grace covers you even when you fail, so get back up, wipe the dust off your feet and run full force toward the God who made you, who loves you, and who can deliver you.
     On the flip side, be conscious of others. Notice when people are struggling and be willing to let God use you to lift them up and to even walk through the valley they’re in with them until they remember who they are in Christ. Just let God use you however He wants.

     Our God is incredible. Listening to Kristen tell this story continually reminds me that God uses these situations which might seem impossible to fix or change or get out of, but He is faithful to take care of us, and when we look back, we see His hand in the situation, even if we did not want to see it at the time. A huge thank you to Kristen for her honesty in sharing her struggle and the amazing grace of God that pulled her out of it!

     I will add one thing, just in agreement of what Kristen shared at the end: be aware of those around of you. Notice the little things because they are the largest hints as to what someone could be going through. It sounds super cliché but it is important for us to pay attention to the other members of this Christian family. Encourage each other, pray for and with each other, offer advice if needed, and be a good listener. Point that person to Christ, repeatedly, every day if needed. They will thank you for it.

     I hope this was encouraging to all of you, if you are in this situation or not. If not, pay attention and help those who might be. If you are, reach out to someone around you! I am always here to pray and encourage you as well.

~ Abby

Thursday, August 4, 2016


   Happy Thursday everyone! I read these two verses this morning during my Bible time and just wanted to share them with you:

"Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things. The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do, and the God of peace will be with you." - Philippians 4: 8-9

   Meditate today on thoughts of Jesus. Worship Him throughout the day, read your Bible on your lunch hour, listen to some praise music on the way home from work, encourage someone in Christ, take extra time to pray this evening. Keep focusing on the Lord and He will be faithful through the day. 

~ Abby

P.S. - I have an exciting interview with one of my best friends coming up talking about the subject of God's grace! Keep your eyes open for that!

Monday, August 1, 2016

Choosing the Will of God

   Hello readers! Today, I want to talk to you about God's will. How willing are we to follow the will of God and to choose it over other things? Even Jesus had to acknowledge His Father's plan and follow His will. But how do we do this?

And He was withdrawn from them about a stone’s throw, and He knelt down and prayed,
saying, “Father, if it is Your will, take this cup away from Me; nevertheless not My will, but Yours, be done.” Then an angel appeared to Him from heaven, strengthening Him.
And being in agony, He prayed more earnestly. Then His sweat became like great drops of blood falling down to the ground. ~ Luke 22:41-44

   Jesus separated himself from His friends. We don't like to separate ourselves from our friends and family. It's human nature to crave connection with those around us, even with things of the world. But if we really want to seek out God's will for ourselves, separation from the world is required and sometimes, separation from our friends and family is necessary. Are we willing to separate ourselves from the people and things that can distract us from God? I'm not talking about becoming a hermit, never interacting with anyone ever. But when you need to seek out God and His will, do you distance yourself from the distractions and take the time to worship the Lord and pray for an answer? Luke 5:16 says "So He Himself often withdrew into the wilderness and prayed." Like Jesus, we need to understand the importance of separation from everything else to pray.

   Jesus recognized that He had to give up His own will to follow His Father. Here's something we don't like to do... give up our plans for someone else's. But here's the main thing: it's not our plan for either someone important in our lives or not. This is our plans for God's plans. To some people, this might not make a difference. "Why would I want to follow someone else's idea of what I should do for my life?" "They don't know me." "They don't know what I want or what I'm good at." "They don't care enough for me to take their advice." That's the thing. God knows what's best. He knows you. He knows what you want or what you're good at because He made you. He cares more about you than you may think. God only wants good things for us. Does this mean that His plan will be smooth-sailing, sunshine-filled, roses-along-the-path kind of life? No, but we'll get to that next.

   Jesus did not give up even as the struggle became harder. I'm sure you've heard that things will almost always get worse before they get better... well, even as Christians, this can be very true. When struggles get hard, we often want to take the easy way out which is usually to just give up. But God calls us to something more than that and He empowers us to continue on. Even Jesus knew when the struggles were harder that He had to keep going and He held on to the promises of His Father. Isaiah 46:4 says "Even to your old age, I am He, And even to gray hairs I will carry you! I have made, and I will bear; Even I will carry, and will deliver you." No matter what the trial we face, even after we have surrendered our will to the Father's, we can rest in the promise that the Lord will carry us. 

   Does following God's will require great personal sacrifice? Yes. But it is His will for us and He will sustain us through. May this small thought be an encouragement to each of us to surrender ourselves daily to the perfect will of our Heavenly Father. 

~ Abby

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Losing yourself in worship...

     When was the last time you lost yourself in praise? Forgot about you and your problems and your situations and just worshiped? Psalm 100 calls us to that.

Make a joyful shout to the Lord, all you lands!
Serve the Lord with gladness;
Come before His presence with singing.
Know that the Lord, He is God;
It is He who has made us, and not we ourselves;
We are His people and the sheep of His pasture.
Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, 
And into His courts with praise.
Be thankful to Him, and bless His name.
For the Lord is good;
His mercy is everlasting,
And His truth endures to all generations.
Psalm 100 (NKJV)

     Step away from everything calling your name and worship. Take 10 minutes and just tell Jesus that He is wonderful and how thankful you are. He is worthy of all our praise!
~ Abby

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Favorite Verses

   It's harder than people think to pick your favorite verses... I have a ton that have spoken to me at different times over the years and I would have a hard time choosing just one. However, I did narrow it down to three that I wanted to share briefly here.

"Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." - Matthew 11:28

   How often are we burdened down by the things of this world? It is so easy to get discouraged when we see what is happening both around us and within our own lives; but when we put all of that aside and come to Jesus... what a blessed rest we can then find. 

"Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth!" Psalm 46:10

   It is so hard to be still, but what incredible things follow when we are still before the Lord. Peace follows and we can be sure that He is still God. 

"But those who wait on the Lord
Shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like eagles,
They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not faint." Isaiah 40:31

   All-time favorite right here! My parents gave me this verse on my thirteenth birthday and it's been given to me again and again by people over the last 9 years. Coincidentally, Isaiah is one of my favorite books. I always loved the imagery of the Lord giving me the strength to fly like an eagle... how amazing would it be to soar above our troubles with the strength from Jesus? When we wait on Him, we can receive that strength and peace to keep going and push past the trials in our lives. 

   Share one of your favorite verses, I'd love to here some!



Monday, April 4, 2016

Allowing Change

   What makes someone a "great Christian?" Think of someone you would consider a great example of Christ. Do they have any combination of the following characteristics:


   Do you think that the person you're thinking of achieved all or some of those characteristics overnight? Absolutely not. We receive Christ in a moment when we accept His forgiveness. He begins to immediately work on those things in our hearts that do not reflect Him, but it requires a little effort on our part. We do not become a "great Christian" without sacrificing things in our lives and striving for that Christ-centered life.

   In Romans 12, we are called to "present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service." (v. 1, NKJV) which includes our minds and our hearts, not just our physical bodies. Christ works in our minds and hearts, making them holy and acceptable like Himself. If the Creator of the universe sent His Son to save this group of dirty, sinful people, shouldn't we give our lives back to Him? God is waiting for us to turn to Him and say "Take what is holding me back from giving You my all. Change me completely." Jesus has a beautiful and fulfilling gift of a life with Him, but we have to accept it and the changes it will make in us.

   So... change scares me to a certain extent. I like having a plan, being organized, knowing what's coming up next so when one day (fairly recently, by the way), I felt the Lord telling me that He was changing me, I kind of freaked out a little bit. He wanted to redo me to become more and more like Him but I would have to allow Him to have that control, not knowing what was coming up next. It terrified me, but... I knew I had to: there was a deep, burning desire within me. I was scared, almost petrified. But I realized that if I wanted to be a "great" Christian, it would take a great sacrifice. So I told the Lord "Yes, change me. Go ahead. Take control and begin to change me to be more like You."

Best. Decision. Ever. 

   Yes, it's terrifying. Yes, it seems uncertain. Yes, I don't understand. Yes, I still struggle. But it's fine... God's got me, my family, my friends, my future, etc. Sure the change is still scary and different, but in so many good ways. I'm still me, but I am becoming a more Christ-like version of me. He has placed within me this incredible desire for more of Himself within my soul. When I first began to notice a difference, it almost blew me away. There is a satisfaction and peace in Him that I am finding. I want to read my Bible more. I want to pray for people daily. I want to encourage others and spread His love more than ever. Any opportunities He gives, I want to take, even if they scare the living daylights out of me.

   Nothing in this world can compare to the incredible life in Jesus. Anything this world offers cannot compare to that moment when you realize Christ is all you ever want. You may still love those things and talk about them, but they don't hold a piece of your heart anymore... that's where only Jesus resides. "And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God." Romans 12:2 (NKJV).


   It would be so easy to let this all slip away. God is never going to let me go, but I could easily let go of Him. There are so many opportunities daily to turn away from this Christian walk and follow the world. I'm not talking about just the larger things, like turning away from our faith and denying Christ. This includes even the small things: role models, types of music, movies/TV shows, daily conversations, things we read, etc. The littlest things make the greatest impacts and those are the things that the devil uses to turn us slowly away from our walks with Christ.

   I'm not telling you to become a hermit and live in silence away from the world, but we have to work at this - if we neglect this gift of life in Christ, it will disappear. Our "Jesus-ness" will fade from our lives. It's like when you spend a lot of time with someone, you begin to pick up on their characteristics. I have a few friends like this: after talking with my one friend who lives down south, I always start to say "ya'll" and everyone knows who I was talking to recently. It's the same with Christ. We ask Him to change us and make our lives more pleasing to Him, but if we don't work at it, it will not last. It requires a sacrifice of time and energy on our parts. It takes work. The reward is worth every moment of effort.

   Look again at the list of characteristics at the beginning of this post. Do you need help with one of the in particular? Do you need all of them? You're in good company. No one possesses every single one, but that's why we need God to continually remake us.

   Lord, change me. Make me more Christ-like. Show me the rewards of the sacrifice. Give a me a deep desire to strive after a life with You.


Spirit of the Living God, 
Fall fresh on me. 
Spirit of the Living God, 
Fall fresh on me. 
Melt me, mold me, 
Fill me, use me.
Spirit of the Living God,
Fall fresh on me.
- D. Iverson & L. Alexander, 1997

PS - I apologize for the lack of updates. I was wrapping up a semester by the end of February, then March was ridiculous with work. I will try to update a bit in April. I cannot promise anything as I am starting a new semester tomorrow (actually today), but I will try! 

Monday, February 1, 2016

Above All Else.

Seek the Lord while He may be found,
   Call upon Him while He is near.
Let the wicked forsake his way,
   And the unrighteous man his thoughts;
Let him return to the Lord,
   And He will have mercy on him;
And to our God,
   For He will abundantly pardon.
“For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
   Nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord.
“For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
   So are My ways higher than your ways,
And My thoughts than your thoughts. ~ Isaiah 55:6-9

   How many Christians sit every week in a Sunday service and hear the Word of God, but do not listen? How many of them get dragged down in bad times because they rely only on themselves?

   When we seek the Lord above all else, we find Him. Our situations disappear. Our focus shifts from the bad to His good. He does not want to see us suffer, but desires us to seek Him out. When we do this, our thoughts become His thoughts, and our ways His. Our paths become directed by Him.

   This isn't some magical formula that once we change our focus to Him, everything is fixed, but rather, we are in His will and we can have great confidence that He will remain in control.

~ Abby

PS - I'm thinking of creating a spot of this blog to share some of my poetry and writing. Thoughts?

Tuesday, January 26, 2016


   How is it already the end of January?! My apologies for not posting in the last few weeks: work is beginning to get busy thanks to the upcoming tax season, I had very little break during the holidays from my four classes so I was catching up with them, plus I had midterms for a few of the classes last week, my mom had minor surgery on her hand, etc., etc., etc.. You all know how crazy life can get just when you think it can't get any busier. Anyway... 

   I wanted to share a thought that I had a few weeks ago. Scars are not pretty, but scars are a part of your story. Physical or emotional, visible or hidden, they are there. We all have them, but what we choose to do with them is up to us. They can remind us of how terrible things were and how broken we felt, but they can also show God's incredible love, mercy, and grace for bringing you through.

   Mandisa is one of my favorite Christian artists, and her album 'Overcomer' has become a huge blessing recently as I have been listening to it again. Her song "What Scars Are For" actually triggered the above thought in my head. Hearing the song and actually paying attention to the words are two different things and I actually listened to the words recently... Whoa. The chorus is below.

"They remind me of Your faithfulness
And all You brought me through.
They teach me that my brokenness
Is something You can use.
They show me where I’ve been and
That I’m not there any more,
That’s what scars, that’s what scars are for."

   That chorus hit me like a train at full speed: being so broken that there is no where else to run to, no one else to turn to but God. Wow. Psalm 51:14-17 says this:

"Deliver me from the guilt of bloodshed, O God,
The God of my salvation,
And my tongue shall sing aloud of Your righteousness.
O Lord, open my lips,
And my mouth shall show forth Your praise.
For You do not desire sacrifice, or else I would give it;
You do not delight in burnt offering.
The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit,
A broken and a contrite heart—
These, O God, You will not despise."

   Not only do we feel broken, but we feel guilty and empty. What can I offer God when I have nothing in me? There is nothing left for my family, my friends, myself, so what could I possibly give to Him? Here's the thing. He wants your brokenness. He wants the emptiness of your soul. He wants you when you have nothing left to give. We question why anyone would want us when we are like that but it's what God does. He takes those shattered pieces of our lives and begins to mold them into something that He can use to show His faithfulness and grace. 

   Hopefully, my point was made, but if not, here it is in a nutshell: God wants the broken bits of you to bring glory to His name. Remember that when you have nothing, He is everything. 

~ Abby

Saturday, January 2, 2016

2016... Knowing Him.

   How was everyone’s Christmas and New Years? The week of Christmas was ridiculously busy, but in a good way. I had my company’s Christmas luncheon the same day my sister and I had our annual Christmas party! (Pictures to follow.) Christmas Eve and Christmas Day were both quiet and peaceful spent with friends and family and I was even able to get a bit of homework done Christmas evening. A few days before the new year, I was sick with some sort of 24-hour stomach bug and thankfully, I’m beginning to feel better. I’m still a little achy and tired, but overall, much better.

   The year ended on a good note: our college Sunday school class was able to get together for breakfast on New Year’s Eve which was wonderful. We don’t get to spend a lot of time together because so many are busy with jobs, school, or live out of state. But I’m so thankful that we were able to spend some time together. Later that afternoon, my best friend, whom I haven’t seen since the end of July (!!!), drove up from down south and spent New Year’s with me! Finally able to catch up in person and share things that happened in the last five months was incredible, and then we ended the year at my church, taking part in Holy Communion right at midnight. There is nothing like beginning the new year with God.

   Our church’s verse for this year is just the first five words of Philippians 3:10… “that I may know Him…” Our pastor said how, yes we want to know about our God and that in itself is marvelous, but our goal, our resolution, should be to not just know about Him, but to actually know Him. It struck me how I may know Bible facts, I may know characters and stories from the Bible, but how much do I truly know Him?

   Personally, I do not make resolutions, mainly because I have no confidence in myself to keep them. I’ve gone two, maybe three weeks keeping my goals and then I fall off the wagon. As people kept asking me what I was going to do in the new year, I began to think of this year and how many times I failed to turn to the Lord when I should have. Then, someone out of the blue asked what my favorite Bible verse was… of course, there are tons, how could I choose?! I was reminded of the Scripture that I have been given several times over the last eight or nine years of my life.

But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength;
they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary;
they shall walk, and not faint. ~ Isaiah 40:31

   Patience is not one of my strong points (not sure if it ever will be). But my promise for 2016 is to turn to Him in those moments when I cannot handle anything else. When this world becomes too overwhelming and I feel myself falling, I can turn for one more ounce of strength, one more ounce of faith, to my Father. This world does not offer a remedy to those moments and situations, all they can give is a temporary fix, a distraction. But, my God can offer the solution: HIMSELF ALONE. So that became my promise to myself: in my moments of panic, distress, loss of trust, worry, stress, I will take the time to pause, give Him everything, and wait on Him.

   I pray that if you make resolutions, you are able to keep them with God’s help and that you, my dear readers, will grow closer to our Lord. Take time this year to actually know our Creator. Not just know about Him (which is awesome!), but to know Him.

May you be blessed in 2016!


(There was no copyright with the picture, but I wanted to note that it is not mine.)