Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Wanderlust Wednesday: Madagascar!

        My family a few years back had a sudden urge to go to Madagascar. Maybe we watched a PBS special or something, I don't know, but we never made it. Probably because of the price of airfare, hotel, etc. But anyway, here are some beautiful pictures of the lovely Madagascar!
In case you don't know where Madagascar is.

Look at that stretch of beach!
Baobab trees

Ready for a trek in the jungle?
Look at the view inland!
Ring-tailed Lemurs
A Yellow-Bellied Sunbird

Madagascar Gecko, isn't he cute?
A Fossa, a relative of the mongoose, living only in Madagascar. Adorable face, huh?
         What do you think? Beautiful place right? I'll go one of these days! Next week, we'll go somewhere in the United States. Maybe it will be close enough for you to visit!


         Disclaimer! I do not own any of the pictures! Any images with copyright stamps I did not crop out. All photos, unless stated, are not my own and can be found online.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Vow Renewal pics!

        My many apologies for taking a brief amount of time off. Crazy things going on! Just an update then I shall begin posting like normal tomorrow!

       My parents vow renewal was fantastic! I only have a few pictures that I took on my phone. We're waiting for the pictures from our photographing friends who so wonderfully helped us out! Anyway, below are the few I have.

Reverend Jonathan Schultheis performed the vows
Reverend Eddie Waldvogel says prayer

Dear friends of mine, Julie and Ashley Waldvogel did a violin duet of "I am His, and He is Mine." You can read Julie's blog here and Ashley's blog here .

We had a blessed time with many friends and family all around! Thank you to all who joined us on this special day!

I will post tomorrow with a Wanderlust Wednesday you do NOT want to miss!


Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Tuesday's Thrills: Nerd Girl Moment!!!

       Today's thrill has to do with something that happened in the nerd-verse today. They released the second official trailer for the upcoming installment of The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug!!!!!!!

      I know, I know, people. I'm nuts. There's a reason behind my love for this movie, the whole genre of fantasy, in fact. When I was younger, and even now, stories were my escape. Having a bad day? Pick up Tolkien. Confused with school? Take a break and pick up Narnia. Frustrated with family? Pick up The Chronicles of Prydain. I was able to escape, be myself, feel... oh I don't know... like a person. Because of stories, I learned what to do if I'm ever on a deserted island, how to build a raft,  how to bind a wound with a scarf, what kind of roots to eat when traveling, etc. I know, that stuff is basically pointless, but I also learned how to act around grown ups, take care of others, help the hurt and brokenhearted, etc. Stuff I will actually use. I matured so much because of books.

       Sorry, that was a really long explanation and it includes lots of ramblings but hopefully I got some sort of a point across. Don't knock the fantasy and sci-fi genres of books, movies, tv shows, etc. They provide otherwise unattainable situations to mature and learn. Learn to live and learn to love.

      Anyway, here's the link to watch the trailer. "The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug"


Weekend Wonders

       I forgot to post this over the weekend! So sorry!

        My wonder this weekend was actually on Friday! Sneaky, I know. We had a fall picnic/bonfire at my church and many people were there. (Below are some pictures.) But the wonder was that not only are we a family on Sundays, or when there are trials, but we can also be a family during the good times too. What an encouragement for fellow Christians! We can get together and laugh, and eat, and roast marshmallows, and tell jokes, and eat, and let the kids play, and did I mention, we eat? We eat, a lot. Several of our church members are fantastic cooks, so the food was abounding... especially the desserts!

      That was my little wonder this weekend. I spent Saturday working on Algebra with my sister, planning our church trip to the Metropolitan Museum at the end of October, and doing some shopping. Sunday I was not feeling "up to par" so I stayed home from church to get some much needed sleep and I was able to work on some writing that day as well.

       Some pictures of the picnic are below. I must get better at taking more pictures!


PS- I'll be skipping Musings for a Monday this week. Tuesday's Thrills will be posted later on.

I always have a blast with these girls when I am blessed to pick them up!

My little man, Sammy

Bro. Ray... fire man.

Erin & Elizabeth... and Noah's head.

Elizabeth & Noah.