Monday, December 4, 2017


     Happy Christmas Season everyone!

     I keep being reminded to choose joy: from the Tuesday afternoon kids program at church, to my devotions, to my planner, to the decorations at my job... to constantly choose to be joyful, even in the midst of this insane thing called life.

     This is a crazy time of year, but honestly, it is my favorite. I love everything about the holiday season. But it is so easy to get hung up on the "holiday season" - shopping, traffic, nasty people, addressing cards, endless hours of running around, wrapping gifts, gatherings and parties, exhaustion, the credit card bills to follow, the weight gain from all the times you said "Well, just one."

     We get so stuck on all the stuff we dislike that we forget to enjoy it all, even the things that drive us crazy. Sitting in traffic gives you time to listen to more Christmas music; the more cards you address, the more people you can call friends and family; the endless gifts you have to wrap are ways to show people you care about them; all the parties and gatherings, and everything that goes with it, are reminders of how many wonderful people you love and have around you.

     Enjoy this beautiful season. It does not last very long. Appreciate every bit of this holiday time, even the parts you hate. Cherish those special times because the memories will last when those people or traditions are not around anymore.

     At the heart of the season is Jesus. "Jesus is the reason for the season!" The center of Christmas is Christ: the Son of God came down to be a Son of man. To live here and love and save us. Remember that this Christmas season.

     And choose joy.

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